Wednesday, June 6, 2012

C4T #1

Blogging About the WEB 2.0 Connected Classroom

The teacher I am following this Summer after my first attempt failed is Steven Anderson from North Carolina. He holds two degrees: one in Secondary Mathematics and a Master's degree in Education in Instructional Technology. He travels around the country speaking to schools and districts about the use of Social Media in the classroom.

His latest blog is about a contest for the Top Ten Livebinders of 2012. What are Livebinders? In Mr. Anderson's words, Livebinders are a virtual three-ring binder that you can put pretty much anything in. Webpage, PDF, image, video, text, they all can go into a page organized for you, and each item can be on it's own tab or you can further organize by using sub-tabs. I took a few minutes to explore his blog some more, and I found several examples of Livebinders. He offered examples in the use of Twitter, Staying Safe Online, and An Overview and Guide to Google Reader.

Mr. Anderson has recently been nominated for the Top Ten Livebinders of 2012 with his Livebinder, An Educator's Guide to Twitter. While his nomination was fun to read about and I am sure is very exciting to him, I found his Livebinder about Twitter (which I had access to) to be most valuable to me. I have had a Twitter account for a few years, and I haven't used it until I started this class. He offered several definitions of what Twitter is, how to implement it in the classroom or education institution, and pros and cons to Twitter. It was very informative, and it helped me a great deal. I wish I could have the opportunity to show it to everyone in class.

I also explored the 'About Me' section on Mr. Anderson's profile, and I am now following him on Twitter.Twitter Logo


  1. Mr. Chamberlain Tweeted me about the Twitter Livebinder. I will assign it next semester. he speaks about other topics as well. He is one of the best persons to follow on Twitter because he is constantly proving links to great resources for all teachers.

  2. I am very OCD about organization. I think Livebinder's would help me tremendously. ;-)
